Hi Everyone!
Today i wanna show you another thing that is available at
Engine Room.
And today's outfit is by
This is something for the men and women!
Both the Blouse that we're wearing in the picture and also the skirt on me are available at the event.
The Blouse is available in 8 different textures.
Every version has a Hud included where you can change the Lace, Jabot, Brooch and the Button in 8 different colors and there are 3 different metal textures in there as well
You get the rigged blouses for male and female all together.
It is rigged for Maitreya, Slink HG, V-Tech, Legacy F, Legacy M, Belleza Jake and Freya and Signature Gianni
The Skirt is available in 8 different striped colors as well and you can change the laces on the dress on the Hud (Sorry for not showing the full skirt on this picture)
The Skirt is rigged for Maitreya, Legacy, Slink HG and Belleza Freya
You can find this outfit and a lot more at Engine Room!
STYLINGOutfit - toksik - Pathos @ Engine RoomOther StylingMe
Head -
Lelutka Nova
Hair -
Foxy - Gemini Hair (@
Kustom 9)
Head -
Lelutka Guy
Hair -
tram I1209a hair / HUD-A